Your generosity has kept us dancing through the challenges of the pandemic, but as we return this year, we continue to reel the aftershocks of suspended performances and budget cutbacks. As we restore our company, we need your help to ensure our dances can continue to receive an outstanding dance education. Rice does not pay for our exceptional guest teachers and choreographers brought in to enrich our students’ dance experience and education. While we already plan to cover production costs with revenue from ticket sales, we need your help to ensure our dances can learn from esteemed faculty and award-winning choreographers from the greater Houston community.

We understand funds may be tight during our current circumstances, but should you have the resources please consider donating at the link below to provide support and make our work possible. Contributions are tax-deductible, and gifts of $100 or more are eligible to receive patron benefits, including reserved seats and recognition in our company’s program for our fall production. When completing the form through Rice Club Sports, please include “Direct donation to Rice Dance Theatre” in the comments section to ensure your donation reaches us.